Cake Sale at Pets At Home Eastleigh Today!

Today we are fundraising at Pets at Home in Eastleigh today in conjunction with Support Adoption For Pets! For today we have left the tombola at home and our volunteers have baked us a huge selection of cakes to go with your bank holiday picnics and barbecues! So pop on down, pick up a cake,…

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All Animal Rescue does Southampton Pride!

Some of our wonderful volunteers took All Animal Rescue to celebrate Southampton Pride 2019! It was amazing to see us represent and the dogs really seemed to enjoy the dressing up and fabulous atmosphere that pride brings! Sadly it was way too hot for the rescue dogs to attend the march through the city, which…

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Fawley Dog Show 2019!

The annual Fawley Dog Show was a blast! It was lovely to see so many people attend and to see so many of our rescue dogs with their new owners! It was a bit quieter than usual and we did not hit our fundraising target, however this has inspired us to help Sally to make…

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Amazon Wish List

Recently we have had amazing amounts of food donated to the rescue, which is blooming amazing!A lot of our kind donor’s have asked how else they could help. We have now set up an Amazon wish list, this contains all of the items we buy on a regular basis.If you would like to purchase any…

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