Cupcake and Felix – Updated 19.10.24

Updated 19.10.24

The boys are now living outside full time, it is super important for any new owner to have a good quality insulated large hutch with access to a run to keep them happy and healthy.

Please follow the link to this website, who give a fantastic guide to the best hutch setups

Cupcake is a 4 year old neutered male, white with ginger guinea pig and Felix is a 3 year old neutered male ginger guinea pig.

These two lovely boys came in to the rescue because sadly their owner developed an allergy to them. These boys have been really well looked after and it shows.

The boys have been kept has indoor guinea pigs, however they do like access to an outdoor run when the summer weather arrives. Guinea pigs need an airy home and plenty of room to run around, too small an area can cause them to argue. Below are two examples of great indoor guinea pig setups:

Guinea pigs really need good quality hay, bedding, quality chew items (to keep their teeth healthy) and plenty of fresh veg, this costs around £40 a month which any new owner would need to take in to account.

Cupcake and Felix are neutered, microchipped and health checked. If you feel you could offer Cupcake and Felix a home please email [email protected]

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